

Invisalign is an important asset to the world of orthodontics.In the ‘old days’ of dentistry, crooked teeth were made straight with the use of metal braces. It was a long process and on the painful side at times. Our today’s perfect smile can be easily accomplished by the use of a product called Invisalign. We get out of the dark ages of dentistry and into a more pleasant way to get perfect teeth.

Invisalign Offers a Painless Way to a Beautiful Smile

Invisalign Before and After

Anyone seriously considering determining the before and after effects of Invisalign, the best way to proceed is to learn as much as possible from a trusted dentist and from our friends who have already begun the straightening process.

Clear, Removable, Comfortable

We can proceed with corrective alignment and still eat all the foods we love to eat. No more restrictions but we still need to brush our teeth after eating. Of course we have to wear the aligners at least 20 hours a day to accomplish the goal.

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about Invisalign, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office today.


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