Dental Implants

Dental Implants

We realize that you probably have a lot of questions about dental implants and most likely some fear of the procedure. We wanted to give you a quick reference that will allay your fears of physical pain, give you an idea of the cost of dental implants, give you information about the dental implant procedure, and advise you about the benefits of dental implants.

Dental implants have been used in various forms for 25 years. Dental implants replace broken teeth and teeth that have suffered so much decay that they cannot be restored. Dental implants become a physical part of the bone and tissue that make up your teeth. The tooth implant not only makes your smile look better but improves the strength and integrity of the bones in your jaw.

Things to Know About Dental Implants

Why Choose Us?

We use the latest titanium alloys in our dental implants. Titanium will not be rejected by your body and does not react with the body.

Dental implants include the crown and a titanium screw mechanism that anchors the implant to your jaw. The crown is the part of your tooth that can be seen and is made of porcelain and shaded to match the rest of your teeth.

Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implant procedure involves removal of the defective tooth and the roots of the tooth. You are anesthetized at the time so you feel no pain. Removal of the roots of the tooth prevents pain during recovery. We will discuss your medical history with you and select the right medicine that is compatible with your health and that keeps you safe.

Dental Implant Cost

Dental implant cost and tooth implant cost are always a concern. We work directly with your dental insurance to provide the lowest possible cost for you. We have payment plans that can fit any budget if you do not have dental insurance. The benefit of dental implants outweighs the cost of dental implants.

Advantages of dental implants:

Dental implants make you look better, improve your health, are a painless procedure, and will not cost you a fortune. Our team is available to answer all of your questions and give you the peace of mind you deserve before you get dental implants.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us to set up an appointment with any of our dental implants specialist today. A trial will convince you.


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